Cops n’ Kids
Every year, the Fraternal Order of Police Loudoun-Dulles Lodge 69 hold Cops & Kids, where Lodge 69 members spend the day with children to treat them to a Christmas experience they might not otherwise receive.
Starting with feeding the children breakfast, Santa and Mrs. Claus lead a group of children who are paired up with a law enforcement officer from several local jurisdictions where the children spend the morning Christmas shopping for themselves and/or their loved ones for holiday gifts. More than 175 active and retired volunteers represented Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office, Leesburg Police Department Middleburg Police Department, Purcellville Police Department, Virginia State Police and several federal agencies including the Drug Enforcement Agency and U.S. Customs Bureau take part in the event.
All gifts purchased are donated through funds raised by FOP Lodge 69 throughout the year.
Police Unity Tour
The primary purpose of the Police Unity Tour is to raise awareness of Law Enforcement Officers who have died in the line of duty. The secondary purpose is to raise funds for the National Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial and Museum.
In addition to taking part in the nationally organized activities, each year the Loudoun-Dulles FOP hold a special reception during police week.
The unity tour was formed in 1997 with 18 riders and has now grown to thousands who take part. More information on the Police Unity Tour can be found a their web site: www.policeunitytour.com
To find out how you can help the FOP with the Police Unity Tour contact us at the FOP Lodge #69.

Pack the Paddy Wagon
During Pack the Paddy Wagon, the Lodge 69 FOP collects food, treats, toys and more which benefit the Loudoun Pet Pantry & Loudoun County Animal Services. The Loudoun Pet Pantry is a partnership between Loudoun County Animal Services, The Humane Society of Loudoun County, and Loudoun Interfaith Relief. Its mission is to keep pets in loving homes by providing food supplies for families in need.